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Tarot Advice and Guidance

Using Tarot cards to gain insight into life's challenges and to give guidance and techniques to find solutions.

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Erik received his first Tarot Cards when he was 17 years old, 33 years ago and has been reading the cards ever since!

Also known as Frater Ananael, Erik is a Priest of Devon witchcraft and is a founding member of a coven in North London as well as having experience in group ritual work going back to his late teens.

 Trained in ritual magic with a speciality in Enochian (Angelic) Magic, Erik brings his insights, wisdom and expertise to the readings and guides the querent to successfully deal with the challenges that life presents.


Erik likes to offer several Tarot decks for consultations that the querent can choose from ranging from the Night Sun Tarot to the Medieval Italian Tarot and many more.

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My appreciation goes out to my fellow magicians and witches!

My absolute and total  love and respect to Crystal Forest: Mistress of the Tarot! My teacher and mentor!

 My thanks goes out to Soror Ardea: we learnt masses about witchcraft together by running Coppetts Wood Coven!

 My heartfelt thanks also goes out to Sator Julian, Nikki and Steve of the coven: 'The Western Watchtower' in Devon who gave me a very thorough and complete initiation into Chaos Witchcraft also known as 'Chaos Craft'. These witches are experienced, awesome, scary and lovely! I am proud to know them!

 The training program of 'The Pact of the Illuminates of Thanateros' includes 'divination' as part of the Novice Program- the most rigorous and difficult training around and the only fraternitiy that I know of that actually teaches magic as opposed to religious or mystical  ceremony. This is the closest thing to an empirical approach! Every single magician and witch that has passed as Neophyte is formidable! I am proud to wear their ring and count myself as a Chaos Magician, 4th degree! My thanks and deep affection to Soror Brigantia and Frater Kaitwm, skilled magicians of the highest order (literally!).

 I also thank the magicians of Ordo Typhonis for passing me as Second Degree after completing 9 months of daily training which was recorded in my diary: this work consisted of contacting my Holy Guardian Angel.

 Having spent years hosting Coppetts Wood Coven and also hosting gatherings of some of the finest magicians of England and Wales at Treadwells I feel proud and competent to share my skills with people who would appreciate my input in their lives!

 I have done: 1. visiting Tarot readings, 2. online Tarot readings, 3. hosted Tarot readings and also 4.  done one festival of back to back Tarot readings. I have read Tarot cards since I was 17 and I am also happy to confess that the journey of learning never ends: I have much to learn! Each reading is also a tutorial for myself too!

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